I’m home!

I arrived home today after almost three weeks in Uganda. Time always flies when I am out there! As the plane came into land I really noticed that the Autumn colours. They had changed inthe time I’ve been away and looked beautiful from the air.

The internet and the power had been onand off during my stay so I have a few belated blogs to add over the next few days!

What I do want to say though is I hope you have been enjoying sharing my news and thank you for keeping in touch.


2 thoughts on “I’m home!

  1. Jean Churchman says:

    Welcome back, Gerry! As always it was such a worthwhile trip and your updates have been so descriptive. All you have done for the school and for individual families will have long lasting results even though you might not see them – you started something which has spread a very long way and the effects will be far-reaching for a long time. Bless you. Jean & John.


    • Gerry says:

      Thank you so much Jean and John. Sometimes I feel as if I go one step forward and two back but mostly I love my’work’ in Uganda and love the many friends I’ve made over the years


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