Better news!

Just heard from a friend that there has not been any confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in Uganda. Here’s hoping it stays that way! Measures are precautionary. Let’s hope they work. X

Coronavirus has arrived in Uganda

Coronavirus has arrived in Uganda! All institutions like schools, universities, churches etc are closed for a month. All public gatherings are banned. Let’s hope they really have it under control as they hopelessly lack medical facilities to cope with much. Very worried about my Uganda ‘family’! I’ve given them advice such as hand washing, keeping 2 metres away from others, not joining in groups, etc etc. Just hope it’s enough!
Paul who is studying at university is heading home to Kasozi today, an outlying village which I’m pleased about. Though he has to travel through Kampala and Jinja to get there which isn’t good! I’m feeling quite sad at the moment, and frustrated that there is nothing I can do to help my friends in Uganda. Please include them in your prayers. X

I’m watching……

I’m watching Comic Relief. What an amazing charity. They’ve been talking about the affects of Malaria on the unborn child in Uganda as so many are born prematurely and don’t survive. This just emphasis the importance of mosquito nets for pregnant mums. With your help I’ve delivered 1700 nets over the last two years and many of these to mums-to-be. I’ll be going to Uganda again next year and with your help I will deliver a lot more life saving nets. Thank you for supporting Gerry’s Uganda Projects😊


Jambo! Is your group after someone to come and give talks? Next year I will celebrate 20 years of my ‘adventures in Africa’. Climbing Kilimanjaro as
a challenge for my 50th birthday in 2001 followed by what will be 20 years of annual month-long visits to Uganda working with and for local communities, and with lots of help, trying to make the lives of very needy people just a little better. My current project is to supply life saving mosquito nets, and life changing fempads (reusable sanitary pads) to those who cannot afford them. These projects are supported by donations from friends and relatives, and many lovely people in and around Poynton and beyond. Please get in touch if you would like me to give a talk about my ‘adventures in Africa’ to your group. Thank you.

I’ll be back soon with some good news about Good Luck Junior School, very good news!